Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Was Not There.......Duh

Thanks to all of you thinking of VolleyGirl and her class as they traveled home from their trip yesterday. They arrived safely around 4:00 p.m. and did not have to travel in rain. We were spared from severe weather last night as was BigBoy at school!

Here is the pencil drawing that I posted a thumbnail of a few days ago. I cannot decide if I am pleased with it or not but I did learn from it and would not do it the same way should I choose this scene again. Funny thing, Mr. Unplugged commented that this event didn't look like that, which I responded as to how he knew. Told him there wasn't any photos of it, or sketches either so it could just be EXACTLY what it looked like! Critiques are welcome.......


  1. Wonderful play of light and shadows with your pencil!! I like it.

  2. Excellent interpretation and drawing... I wonder whether the tombs were more like caves in the hills - but who knows - I like your rendition definitely - Very evocative, AU - You are such a creative and brilliant soul. Have a fine weekend, my friend x

  3. I think that you've done a brilliant and thought provoking interpretation.
    I simply love it and wish that I could sketch so I'm a lil jealous, lol.
    Hope your weekend is filled with much love, joy and laughter and....

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  4. I wasn't there either, so can't argue one way or the other. Isn't this up to personal interpretation, anyway? Your artistic interpretation is lovely.

  5. Lovely work. No matter what it looked like or didnt look like the work is excellent.

  6. I think you were there and you drew it perfectly. I like the texture of the stone.

  7. A good creation is one that gets you thinking; I am thinking !

  8. I think it's a wonderful drawing! I have no idea where it's supposed to be but it doesn't matter.

  9. Great textures in this. And you're right... who knows exactly how the scene looked?

  10. your pics are really nice! I loved them! I am so happy that finally am getting to see some artits here. I am new to blogging and was in search of arty folks. I 've finally got some lead!

  11. I love your interpretation...I wasn't there either so who knows what it really looked like? Thanks for your lovely comment on my mural!
    Your cloud pics are stunning!!! Hope to see some beautiful paintings or drawings from them???
