Saturday, September 19, 2009

Small Work and Big Step

Monday, while VolleyGirl was practicing, I went down the street to Starbucks, splurged on a venti size and sat myself in a comfy chair. Finally finished my second ATC (above) and started my next one (below). A dear BB (blogbuddy) is way overdue of receiving a package from me, these will be a part of that package. Hope to do more in order to trade.........finally!
Almost every day I check our city's art blog and today there was a call for artists at the recently voted "Best Coffee Shop" in the northern part of our state. They will display work from one artist each month. Thinking that would be a nice place to show zentangles and small drawings, I called and committed myself for the month of November. My plan is to finish the 'maytagaramas' and get some more work done. This will still be pushing it for me....but I often work best when 'pushed' ! VolleyGirl has been sick this week with sinus trouble. She missed her games Thursday and sadly didn't get to go with the team last night for a tournament today. It's a shame with all the hard work she has put in that she misses a time when they eat out and have fun together outside of the game.


  1. Oh wow, that top one really speaks to me!! You should post it for Illustration Friday...the word is "infinite."

    Sorry about VG :(

    Maybe BB will cheer her up while he's home!

  2. The first one.. is it done with colored pencils? its great. Good you set a date to get things done. Seems like thats the only way I get things done. The show sounds like fun. Sorry about VG too. First her foot and now sinus problems. Hope this is the last of problems for her.

  3. Wow ATCs!!! That top would make an awesome large piece! Have fun displaying at the coffee shop. Do you get to put prices and try to sell there as well? Hope so, if that is your desire. Nice to be SEEN.

    Hope VG is feeling well soon, and you all have a great weekend together.

  4. I just love the first atc. It has such depth. Good luck getting your pieces finished.

    I hope VG is better soon.

  5. Beautiful ATC's!
    I love the first one!
    Hope your girl gets well soon!

    Have a nice weekend and enjoy the company of your son. Apollo will be thrilled!

  6. I agree with the girls... The first one rocks!!

  7. I love that first piece.
    Good for you for committing yourself to that coffee shop- and sorry to hear about the daughter.
    Two of my kids (AZ. and RI.) are not at their healthiest right now due to sinus probs.
    Hope you are enjoying having your BB around!

  8. Yaaaay! I'm glad you're going to show your work again. You are so good. I especailly like your zents. And I'm really happy that you had a moment to yourself to have that coffee and play with art.

    Yes, it is too bad that you daughter had to miss out on that fun night. I have sinus trouble a lot and I know what a drag that can be.
