Friday, September 11, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

I thought this was soooo neat with the 'spotlight' effect that was taking place. Yes, took it with my trusty cellphone while a mere passenger in the car....ah, what would I do without it. Go to to take in more skies.

My prayers go out to those mourning loved ones lost on this day 8 years ago. My deep appreciation and prayers include those who have given their lives and to those risking their lives at this moment to keep us safe here at home. I will never forget you all.


  1. This is a beautiful skyline.
    So good of you to remember and honor this day. I shamefully forgot to post about it. Auntie Mim ( did a wonderful post about today.

    I'm glad Apollo had a good time on Big Boy's birthday.

  2. You really do get some nice shots with your phone!
