Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dogs On Thursday: Hot Off The Press

Not exactly breaking news....just up to the minute. Duh, is it not obvious that "moi" is in earnest efforts to get some morning quality, royal rest????
Mom has the audacity to put that thing right in my face, my personal space to snap a photo. Excuse me? Eyes open now: rest interrupted! Pesky puppyrattzi!!!

May your rest be respected my friends Snuffles, Annie, Emma, Luna, Snickers, Buddy, Dizzy, Penney, Tonka, Hope, Trixie, Bella, Zoe, Chief and Sophie!!!


  1. that second photo is just the very very best, i agree with you my darling apollo, you need your rest, and boy oh boy do you do it in style. love you appie.

  2. I do that to my little Ginger all the time!

    My family calls me the

    "P U P" arazzi !!! poor doggie!

    you make me smile too!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  3. Come on Apollo. You know this is the life.

  4. if I only had it so good!!!!!!!!

    All that and cupcakes too ;)

  5. so adorable! i can't decide which is cuter -- his face or his butt!! hee hee thanks for the shout out to bella and zoe

    thanks for your sweet words on my blog recently! you are such a dear bloggy friend!!!

  6. Well on the telly they'd have called that breaking news! - And it wouldn't have been that interesting!

  7. Cute, Cute, Cute..
    Thanks for the comment on my blog post. Yes Youhave permission to sketch or paint the flowers I posted. Thanks for asking. I look forward to seeing the results you do such wonderful work.
