Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Dogs on Thursday

View from above of the nosey Royal One.

Peeping at me in the kitchen last night.

May all of you enjoy your time with your two-legged pets, they are truly a gift! Merry Christmas Annie, Snuffles, Emma, Luna, Buddy, Dizzy, Penney, Tonka, Hope, Trixie, Bella, Zoe, Chief and Snickers!!!


  1. Merry Christmas to Apollo and the rest of his family ;)

  2. Happy Holidays Apollo, and to all your loyal subjects, too!

  3. So sweet!Happy Merry to you all

  4. Wishing you and all your family a very very warm and happy Xmas and healthy happy 2012, and an arty one of course too. Hugs xxxx
    And a big big slobbery kiss to my best dog too please.
