Time has slipped by, but sniffing grass has my nub wagging. The green is leaving, matters not to me, it's all about the aromas, baby!Anytime is a good time for some much needed rest....still getting plenty. Last week was filled with an adventurous road trip. It is refreshing to view my subjects from time to time. Wow.....check me out there, looking good! That slick-floored place isn't so terrible....they love to pet me. All in all, it's worth it. Medicine makes me drink and eat even more like a king! Hello! Up extra early for the bathroom please!
Rest. Again. It does a body good.
Enjoy your adventures my good buddies Snuffles, Annie, Emma, Luna, Snickers, Buddy, Dizzy, Penney, Tonka, Hope, Trixie, Bella, Zoe, Chief, Sophie and Budro!
Yep.....broke the long, dry spell. With what....food, of course. Did this while watching a sorry football game.....probably will be a couple more fall/Halloween little drawings soon. Always like working with pencils the best, what I'm most comfortable with. Probably the last week of volleyball, BigBoy was home over the weekend so of course I baked him a blueberry cobbler and his favorite cookies. VolleyGirl is out of school today, we may shop a little. Hope all is well, hope to catch up with everyone soon.
The task is not an easy one, bearer of the light. Though I shall continue..........til nap time. Shine your light, my friends Snuffles, Annie, Emma, Luna, Snickers, Buddy, Dizzy, Penney, Tonka, Hope, Trixie, Bella, Zoe, Chief and Sophie!