Thursday, October 20, 2011

Built Another

8x10 graphite and color pencil

Finished this University of Tennessee snowman last night, we have many fans that live around here. Just in time for the University of Alabama/U. of Tennessee game this Saturday too!!! The photo doesn't show the detail and color that well but you get the idea. Painted on my black and white 8x8 yesterday, sealed the deal for a commissioned 12x16 painting of hot air balloons yesterday as well.


  1. Go team!!!!

    Congrats on the hot air balloon deal.

  2. oh what a sweet snowman!!!! I love this guy and so does our son....he jumped up when he saw him on my screen!!!

  3. A winner! Now for the game - good luck!

  4. This is cute and congrats on the sealed deal on the hot air balloon commission piece. Look forward to seeing it.
