Soulbrush honored me with my very FIRST AWARD! It is the Lemonade Award. Thank you dearly Soulbrush! I am not real clear as to what it is for but I figure it means I am sweet and sour simultaneously and worth at LEAST 50 cents! I'm just excited to be thought of. Now, she has requested me to list 7 Random Facts about myself (to see what makes me so sweet and sour!) Bookmama has tagged me with my first meme. So here goes..................
7 Random Facts (about me)
1. I have been married for 25 and a half years now and a stay-at-home mom to a son (20), daughter (15) for 20 years. Christian, conservative.
2. Like to prepare desserts, decorate cakes (started out doing my kids' birthday cakes)
3. Just started painting on canvas a year ago, first since college.
4. Enjoy performing in theatre (when I can, didn't begin until age 35) have played "Amnesia" in Nunsense, "Prickly" in Magnolia , emcee events such as dance recitals and fundraising auctions.
5. Was a tomboy growing up (2 older brothers, no sisters). Played football, basketball, baseball and tennis with my cousin as the seasons changed. No teams for girls where I lived back then.
6. Love to sing but didn't sing in front of anyone until I was 35. Have performed solos in opera, contemporary christian, country, blues, gospel and broadway tunes.
7. Suffer with degenerative disc disease in neck and back, fibromyalgia, arthritis and putting off a total knee replacement (dislocated that knee in college while practicing for a dance team!)
That should put some type of picture (probably a cartoon) in the minds of some of you as to who I am. There is more that I could add either, I will get tagged again or you will have to wait for my sizzling autobiography!!!
My First Meme:
The rules? Answer the following questions in one word and then pass it on to seven others.
Tagged by BookMama.
Tagged by BookMama.
Where is your cell phone? Pocket
Where is your significant other? Study
What is Your Haircolor? Blonde
Your mother? Remarkable
Your father? Unforgettable
Your favorite thing? Singing
Your dream last night? Duh
Your dream/goal? Accomplish
The room you’re in? Kitchen
Your hobby? Painting
Your fear? Aging
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Walking
Where were you last night? Home
What you’re not? Satisfied
One of your wish-list items? Countertops
Where you grew up? South
Last thing you did? Grapes
What are you wearing? Sweats
Your TV? Awards
Your pet? Multiple
Your computer? Totally
Your mood? Depressing
Missing someone? Parents
Your car? Pleasurable
Something you’re not wearing? Perfume
Favorite store? TJMaxx
Your summer? Short
Love someone? Yes
Your favorite color? Pink
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Bedtime
TAGGED for this meme, You're It ! Cris, Lindsey, Michelle Lee, Karin Bolstad, Leet, Robyn, and Lisa Reed